Research into Homeopathy

Homeopathy is the most frequently used CAM therapy in five out of 16 surveyed countries in Europe and among the three most frequently used in 11 out of 16 surveyed countries.

  • Cold and Sore throat
    The researchers found that the children who were prescribed a Homeopathic medicine were significantly more likely to experience a positive result of treatment compared with those children prescribed an antibiotic. The researchers also found that the children given a homoepathic medicine had significantly fewer complications and a higher quality of life. Further, the study found that the parents of the children given the Homeopathic medicine had significantly less sick-leave days than the parents of children given an antibiotic.Trichard, M, Chaufferin, Nicoloyannis, N., Pharmacoceconomic Comparison Between Homeopathic and Antibiotic Treatment Strategies in Recurrent Acute Rhinopharyngitis in Children, Homeopathy (2005) 94, 3-9.
  • Sinusitis
    The Homeopathic treatment resulted in freedom from complaints in 90.3% of the patients and improvements in a further 8.3%, whereas in the placebo group, the complaints remained unchanged or became worse in 88.9% of the patients.Friese KH, Zabalotnyi DI. (Homeopathy in acute rhinosinusitis: A double blind, placebo controlled study shows the efficiency and tolerability of a homeopathic combination remedy)(Article in German) HNO, 2006 Dec 19.
  • Asthma
    In the Homeopathically treated group, 97.4% improved and 2.6% worsened. 87.2% reduced their use of conventional medicine.A double-blind randomized, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in Cuba on patients with bronchial asthma (ref: Riverson-Garrote, 1998). In this study 63 patients (34 children and 28 adults) participated, 39 of whom were given individualised homeopathic treatment and 24 were given a placebo. Riveron-Garrote, M ‘Ensayo clinico aleatorizado contolado del tratamento homeopatico del asma bronquial,’ Boletin Mexicano, 1998, 31:54-61
  • Respiratory Tract Complaints
    500 consecutive patients were enrolled in 30 primary care practices. The authors concluded that Homeopathy appeared to be at least as effective as conventional treatment of patients with allergies, respiratory tract infections or ear complaints. Results showed a response of 82.6% for those provided with Homeopathy vs 67.3% in the group receiving conventional medicine.Riley D, Fischer M, Singh B Haidvogl M, Heger M, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2001; 7:149-159
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    Randomised, double blind, placebo controlled crossover trials showing effectiveness in the areas of ADHD behavioural and cognitive functions.Frei H et al European Journal of Pediatrics 2005 Jul 27. Also British Homeopath Journal 2001 Oct; 90/4.
  • Menopause
    In an NHS community clinic study, 81.4% women reported improvement of menopausal symptoms after Homeopathic treatment.Journal of the British Menopause Society Vol 11, #2 June 2005
  • PMS
    Randomised controlled double-blind clinical trials have shown Homeopathy to be helpful for PMS.British Homeopath Journal 2001 Jul 90(3) 148-53 and Journal of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care 2003 Jan 29(1):6-7 Source: Irish Society of Homeopaths
  • Chronic diseases
    In 2005, the largest service evaluation of homeopathic treatment reported that 70 per cent of 6,500 follow-up patients experienced improvement in their health. Eczema, asthma, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, depression and chronic fatigue improved.Spence D, Thompson E and Barron S. Homeopathic treatment for chronic disease: A 6-Year, university-hospital outpatient observational study. J Altern Complement Med 2005; 5: 793-8.

A study over one month in 2007, looking at a total of 1,602 patients seen at follow-up appointments in all five UK NHS homeopathic hospitals, found that eczema was currently the most common referral to homeopathy by NHS doctors.Other commonly treated complaints were chronic fatigue, menopausal disorder and osteoarthritis.

Thompson E, Mathie R, Baitson E, et al. Towards standard setting for patient-reported outcomes in the NHS homeopathic hospitals. Homeopathy, 2008; 97(3): 114-121.

Dr David Reilly and his team at Glasgow University have conducted four double blind placebo controlled trials, carried out over a period of 18 years, specifically designed to examine the evidence for the hypothesis that any benefits of homeopathy are due to the placebo effect. All four trials involving a total of 252 patients have produced similar, positive results demonstrating that homeopathy has an effect greater than placebo and that these results are reproducible.

Reilly D. The Evidence For Homeopathy. Article version 5.5, January 2003

Studies show 70% of people reporting positive health changes after homeopathic treatment, even where conventional treatment has had little effect.

BMC Public Health 2004 4:6, NHS report on homeopathy ISBN 1 901262006 and 1901262014